Learn. Play. Grow.

State and county-funded preschool programs for SLO County families. 

8 preschool locations throughout SLO County.

Important Dates


A new school year begins!


Early enrollment begins following State priority guidelines

May - June

Enrollment for upcoming school year continues until class capacity is met


Enrollment may continue throughout the school year if class capacity is not met

Explore State Preschools in SLO County

High-quality, no-cost preschool services

SLOCOE’s Early Learning Centers provide high-quality, no-cost preschool services to families and children ages 3-5 years old in San Luis Obispo County. There are a total of 8 Center locations, which include Atascadero, Grover Beach, Nipomo, Oceano, Paso Robles, and San Miguel.

The Early Learning Center Preschool Programs are funded by The California Department of Education and The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education.

For 3-5 year-olds of low to moderate income families in SLO County

Administered by the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education

“My daughter has built safe and caring relationships with peers and teachers. She has opportunities to learn through play with the curriculum that teachers provide in the classroom. I am grateful my daughter has this early learning experience, preparing her for later school success.” 

- Karley, mother of a three-year-old ELC preschool student

What Your Child Will Learn

Social Emotional Development

Our curriculum enhances children's confidence, empathy and social relationship skills.


Art can connect students with their own culture as well as with the wider world. Here, children will engage in chalk art, water art, collaging, and painting.

Cognitive Skills

Children will develop an increased attention span, understand cause and effect, learn to ask questions, and more. 

Language and Literacy

In our classrooms, children enjoy books, a language-rich environment, and storytime, all of which enhance a child’s skills in reading and writing.

Physical Health

In the classrooms and on the play ground, children engage in all sorts of physical activities which help them learn, grow, and play.

Motor Skills

Our program will enable and challenge children to perform gross motor skills such as running, jumping, and skipping and fine-motor skills such as stringing beads, drawing, and cutting with scissors.

Other Benefits for Children and Families

Dental and Vision Screenings

Family Engagement & Parent Education

Parent Advisory Council

CACFP Child Nutrition Program

Raising a Reader Program


Where are the Early Learning Centers classrooms located?

  • San Miguel-Lillian Larsen Elementary
  • Paso Robles- Paso Robles First 5 Education Center
  • Paso Robles- Marie Bauer Early Ed. Center
  • Paso Robles- Winifred Pifer Elementary
  • Atascadero- San Gabriel Elementary
  • Grover Beach- Grover Beach Elementary
  • Oceano- Oceano Elementary
  • Nipomo- Nipomo High School

What are the classroom hours?

All classrooms are Monday-Friday, 3 hours per day, schedules are subject to change.

  1. San Miguel, 8-11am or 12-3pm
  2. Paso Robles First 5 Education Center, 8:30-11:30am
  3. Marie Bauer, 8:15-11:15am or 12:30-3:30pm
  4. Winifred Pifer, 8:15-11:15am
  5. Atascadero, 9am-12pm
  6. Grover Beach, 8:15-11:15am or 12:15-3:15pm
  7. Oceano, 9am-12pm
  8. Nipomo, 9am-12pm
How old does my child have to be to enroll in the program?

For the 2025-2026 school year, children who were born on or between September 2, 2020 - December 1, 2022.

**Note: Children enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten may be enrolled in part-day State Preschool for Extended Learning and Care.

Does my child need to be potty-trained to attend?

Children do not have to be potty trained. When your child is ready to be potty trained, the program and family will work together on a plan to best support your child at home and school.

Does my child need to have a physical or immunizations to attend?

Once your child has been approved for services and before their first day in the classroom, a copy of the child's immunization record and a completed PHYSICIAN'S REPORT will be required. Schedule an appointment for your child to have a physical if they have not had one within one year from the start date. Visit www.shotsforschool.org for more information on the required immunizations for Child Care.

Do I qualify for the Early Learning Centers program?

A three- or four-year-old child is eligible for the part-day California state preschool program if the child's family is one of the following:

  1. Current aid recipient
  2. Income eligible (at or below 115% of the income eligibility threshold) *
  3. Homeless
  4. Child is receiving child protective services, or has been identified as being abused, neglected, or exploited, or at risk of being abused, neglected, or exploited
  5. Child has a disability with an active individualized family service plan (IFSP) or an individualized education program (IEP). Education Code Section 8205
  6. Has a member of its household who is certified to receive benefits from Medi-Cal, CalFresh, the California Food Assistance Program, the California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, the federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, or any other designated means-tested government program.

*Children from families whose income is on or between 101-115% may not exceed 10% of the participating CSPP's total contract enrollment.Education Code section 8208

How do I enroll my child?

Complete the interest form on this page. Beginning in the spring, families will receive additional information via email or phone call to complete the State Preschool Application based on the answers provided on the interest form and State Priority guidelines. Early enrollment will begin in April and continue through the summer months.

1st priority: Children who are recipients of child protective services or who are at risk of being neglected, abused or exploited and for whom there is a written referral from a legal, medical or social service agency.

2nd priority: Children with disabilities whose family’s income is at or below 100% of the income eligibility threshold..

3rd priority: Children not enrolled in transitional kindergarten (TK).

4th priority: Children from families whose income is no more than 15% above the income eligibility threshold..

5th priority: Children enrolled in Transitional kindergarten.

After all families have been enrolled in the priorities above, children with disabilities from families that are not income eligible may be enrolled. (CCR, Title 5, Div 1, Chapter 18.5)

Are there any fees associated with this program?

No, the Early Learning Centers are fully funded by The California Department of Education and The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education. All enrolled families will receive a no cost, high-quality program.

This program does not fit with my current family needs, are there other early education programs or child care options available?

The Early Learning Centers does not sponsor/endorse other programs, it is up to the parent/guardian to best determine what is more appropriate for the family. To help with that process, here are helpful resources that will inform you on the various types of programs and philosophies available:

Who can I contact for more questions?

Please contact our administrative assistant, Marisol Espino, via email at preschool@slocoe.org or at (805)782-7275

early learning centers in san luis obispo county

Early Learning Centers is a program of the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education

© 2024 San Luis Obispo County Office of Education

 Office of James J. Brescia, Ed.D.

 3350 Education Drive, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

 805-782-7275      Policies